“Regional Languages: Beyond the Myths and Cliches”
- Posted by bzhny
- On June 15, 2015
- Association, Bretagne, Bretons, Brittany, BZH New York, Charity, Community, conference, Culture, events, Meeting, Meetup, New York, Organization, Regional languages
June 15, 2015 (6:45pm-8pm)
L’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie
810 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor
Co-hosted by L’Union Alsacienne de NY,
BZH-NY, and the Corses de NY
Hosted by United Nations Officer Thierry Kranzer, this conference will address the hot-button issue of the role — past, present, and future — of regional languages in France. The discussion will center around the politics, socio-economic impact, and perception of these regional languages, with a focus on dispelling popular misconceptions about the vast linguistic diversity in modern-day France.
Refreshments, including Alsatian wine and Breton pastries, will be served following the conference.
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