Viewing of “La Grande Traversée” | French Documentary
- Posted by bzhny
- On March 11, 2016
- Association, Bretagne, Bretons, Brittany, BZH New York, Charity, City college, Community, Culture, documentary, events, La grande traversée, Meeting, Meetup, MOvie, New York, Organization
When: Friday March 11th at 6pm
Where: CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK, Shepard Hall (Room # 291)
Convent Avenue at 141th St
La grande traversée, a documentary by Philippe Orreindy
(documentary is in french only)
A documentary about the breton immigration to the USA from 1880 to 1980.
It all started with a man, Nicolas Legrand, who did “La grande traversée” in 1881 : he went to the US and came back 9 years later as a rich man! A lot of Bretons followed his path until 1980. The documentary tells the history of those Bretons who settled on the East Coast of the US or just went there to make a fortune and went back home.
Details + trailer (in french only) : http://
Reservation is MANDATORY due to the limited seating. please send an email to
Donations suggested We will have a viewing of that documentary :
La grande traversée, un film de Philippe Orreindy
De 1880 à 1980, de nombreux habitants du centre-Bretagne sont partis aux États-Unis en quête d’une vie meilleure. Le documentaire “La grande traversée” retrace ce lien ténu.
Nicolas Legrand, tailleur de pierre à Roudouallec, aurait initié cette grande vague d’immigration du centre Bretagne vers les États-Unis. En 1881 il part pour la grande traversée et revient neuf ans plus tard, riche ! L’exemple fera des émules pendant un siècle. C’est ce lien émaillé d’allers-retours entre le centre Bretagne et la côte est des Etats-Unis que raconte ce documentaire. Riche en archives, ce film donne la parole aux descendants des migrants bretons.
Details + extrait (en français) : http://
Une projection de ce documentaire se fera a NYC :
Friday March 11th at 6pm
Shepard Hall
Room # 291
Convent Avenue at 141th St
Reservation OBLIGATOIRE du au nombre de places limitées. Envoyez un email a
Donation suggérée